Mandate and principles


The Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) is a member-driven non-profit national organization working to advance and strengthen the media arts community in Canada. Representing over 90 independent film, video, audio and new media production, distribution and exhibition organizations in all parts of Canada, the IMAA serves over 16,000 independent media artists and cultural workers.

IMAA's aims are:
>  COMMUNICATIONS | to provide a forum of communication and discussion among independent media arts groups
>  COMMUNITY | to provide opportunities for developing links between all cultural elements of the IMAA
>  ADVOCACY |  to represent independent media arts organizations in front of agencies from the government and private sector

Founding Principles

Our groups are distinct from one another and we value these differences. Just as we, as individuals, are able to pool our resources to mutual advantage in organizations which protect and promote individual free expression, it is possible and desirable to unite film, video, audio and new media groups, each with its own character, in an alliance.  The IMAA does not limit itself to one genre, ideology or aesthetic but furthers diversity of vision in artistic and social consciousness.

The IMAA members make a commitment to take anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobic positions in terms of hiring, distribution, production and representation.  Also they respect and support the autonomy of indigenous cultural representation.

The IMAA believes that independent film, video, audio and new media are valuable and vital forms of expression of our respective cultures, which can uncover the prevailing illusions and expose the formulas that underlie the vast majority of commercial and institutional messages.

Statement of principle against censorship 

"In face of the legitimate threat of censure by media classification boards, as well as the potential for self-censure by artists as a result of the classification process, the IMAA affirms the right of media artists and organisations to present media art works to the public and the right of the public to experience that work.  The requirement that works of film, video, and other media arts be approved before the public is allowed access to them can rarely, if ever, be justified: it denies the right of the artist on the one hand, and of the public on the other - the protection of which they are entitled within the laws and before the courts of this country; it obliterates that exercise of responsible judgement which is the right and duty of every citizen in a free society."

Read our Basis of Unity here: Link to PDF