This toolkit, developed by IMAA and completed in May 2020, includes a comprehensive analysis of Canadian arts organizations’ challenges in securing and maintaining affordable real estate, as well as a detailed resource toolkit of template documents, official guides, and sample documents from several Canadian arts organizations. This toolkit can be used as a resource for any non-profit arts organization that is looking to rent/purchase/design a new space for its operations to take place.

This section contains information related to planning, designing, and assessing the unique needs of an arts organization to run its operations in a physical space. Included are sample interior space plans, images from user design workshops, and space needs assessments.

a. Functional Program Chart – Sample (PDF)

Sample in chart form of the range of individual spaces and space sizes used in the planning process to determine the type and amount of total space required by the organization to run its operations.

b. Functional Program Graphics – Sample (Word / PDF

Several examples of the visual graphic often developed (bubble diagrams) in planning the layout of a space (functional program).  This stage of interior design follows the initial visioning and space requirements planning, and precedes the more formalized architectural design process.  This document in Word to facilitate copying for use.

c. Functional Program Report (PDF)

Sample complex functional program report which would be produced by an architectural firm as a stage in the interior design process for new space.  Lays out the organizational needs and requirements and describes the nature of the space to accommodate those needs.

d. User Design Workshop, Agenda – Sampl (PDF)

Sample workshop agenda for an interior space design visioning session, using several space planning exercises to determine the nature and esthetic of an appropriate new space for a co-location of organizations.

e. User Design Workshop, Space Images – Sample (PDF)

Collection of different types of space images used to catalyze thinking and choices in the process of interior design visioning.   Dot-mocracy exercise used to indicate preferences by the workshop participants.

f. Space Needs Assessment Example – VIVO, Vancouver ( Excel / PDF )

Sample charts used to determine the individual and total space areas required by an organization planning the interior space of a new facility.

g. Space Usage Plan – Sample (PDF)

Example narrative space needs assessment document.  Includes scheduling and floor plan sketching for a potential new space for the organization.

h. Space Needs Assessment Example – Pride in Art, Vancouver (PDF)

Sample space feasibility analysis project report demonstrating the process and outcomes from an early space planning exercise for an independent media arts organization in Vancouver.  The outcome was an informed ability to negotiate for adequate space within a larger arts Hub facility.