IMAA Media Arts Fee Schedules for 2018 and 2019

8 May, 2017
At the IMAA All-Members Meeting last week on May 2, attending members unanimously approved increases and changes for the 2018 and 2019 IMAA Media Arts Fee Schedule.
Changes include a 2% annual increase to Section 1 – Screenings and audio presentations, Section 2 – Educational use of media art works, and to Section 3 – Exhibitions in the “Solo show” category. A new category for presenting organisations with an annual operating budget over $1M was added to Section 3. The definition of Annual Operating Budget was clarified as “the exhibiting organization’s total annual revenues, averaged over the last three years. If the organization received revenues for acquisition funds or capital projects, these are excluded from the total.”
See the new Fee Schedules:
2018 IMAA Media Arts Fee Schedule
2019 IMAA Media Arts Fee Schedule