IMAA launches video interviews of Arts Day on the Hill 2018

November 7, 2018

News Release
Monday, November 5, 2018

We are pleased to share the videos we produced this year for Arts Day on the Hill with theCanadian Arts Coalition in partnership with Saw Video and Playwrights’ Workshop Montréal. IMAA took part in Arts Day this year by interviewing several arts participants on the role of advocacy and promotion of the arts. Various messages were communicated by arts participants, among others, the essential need to fund the arts, Indigenous cultures, diverse cultural values, and official and minority languages.

Eight videos are now available for all to view on IMAA’s Youtube channel, including the speech made by the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez.

The Coalition’s messaging was focused on addressing weak links in the creative value chain. Arts Day delegates sought support in three areas: Arts presentation in Canadian communities; Training and internships; and Charitable donation incentives.

IMAA would like to thank the participants: Steven Smits, Producer and Independent Arts Manager,Niki Little, Director of the National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition (NIMAC), Cynthia Lickers-Sage, Visual artist from Six Nations and Executive Director, Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance (IPAA),Ellen Hamilton, Executive Director of Qaggiavuut, Janita Grift, Independent Arts Administrator, Jean-François Packwood, Executive Director of CCAFCB, Howard R. Jang, Vice President, Arts and Leadership, Banff Center for Arts and Creativity, Carmen Gibbs, Executive Director of the AAAPNB,Monique Renaud and Ainslee Beer of the Canadian Arts Coalition.