Video proposals for the GGArts 2021 video portraits

October 22, 2020

Request for video proposals to honour great Canadian artists from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Northwest Territories


Note: Due to COVID-19 and unpredictable travel restrictions, which may be tightened in the coming months, it may not be possible to film the GGArts 2021 video portraits on location. Should this be the case, the video portraits will have to be produced remotely without the possibility to meet and film the winners in person.

The Canada Council for the Arts and the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) are once again coming together to honour the recipients of the Governor General’s Awards in Visual and Media Arts (GGArts).

We are looking to pair Canadian filmmakers with the 2021 GGArts winners to create artistic video portraits (3 minutes max., including credits/bumpers) and a 30-second teaser. We also encourage production centres and filmmakers to enter an agreement that would help cover the costs of services and equipment they might need.

The commissioned filmmakers will be acknowledged in every way possible as creators of these videos. The video portraits will be shown on Council’s web site and YouTube channel. They will be promoted via social media, on partners’ web sites and at public events. The commissioned filmmakers and IMAA members are also encouraged to show the works on their websites and social media channels.

The videos will be a key element of a national campaign to raise the profile of the winners and the visual arts, media arts and fine craft in Canada.

Each video will be an artistic and original portrait of the GGArts winner of which the commissioned filmmaker has complete creative control. It will celebrate the winner’s achievement and the impact his or her life’s work has made on the lives of Canadians. The Council reserves the right to use the video portraits for promotional purposes. The commissioned filmmakers retain copyright and ownership of their works and may use them as they wish to promote their own work.

Budget (max.): $7,000
Deadline for submissions: Sunday, November 1, 2020
Deadline for questions regarding the RFP: Friday, October 23, 2020


If you have any questions, please contact:
Sylvain Laporte at 1-800-263-5588, ext. 5270 | 613-566-4414, ext. 5270

Please provide all information in one PDF document. Proposals are to be submitted via email to: Sylvain Laporte at