IMAAN Spotlight

February 14, 2024

At the beginning of February, we launched a campaign to put forward the Independent Media Arts Access Network (IMAAN) on our social networks! This campaign aims to introduce IMAAN to the artists who are members of the participating organizations, since they are the ones who can benefit from the advantages offered by this network. Follow the IMAAN Spotlight campaign on Instagram and Facebook in the coming weeks!

What’s the Independent Media Arts Access Network (IMAAN)? 

The Independent Media Arts Access Network (IMAAN) facilitates artists in accessing equipment and facilities from the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) participating organizations in other cities, without having to take out multiple memberships. A number of festivals and organizations working in sectors other than production are also part of the IMAAN. They offer benefits to artists who are members of participating centres and organizations.

Who can benefit from IMAAN? 

THE ARTISTS! Artists who are members of an IMAAN organization are encouraged to travel within the country, outside their city, since they have access to privileges at other participating organizations. These privileges typically take the form of member rates for equipment rental, training or use of spaces, but could also include advantageous rates for participation in events, for example.

The National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition (NIMAC) and its members benefit from the IMAAN since 2022!

Who makes IMAAN possible? 

PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS! Participating organizations decide how they participate in the network! Whether it’s with certain equipment, workshops or facilities at member rates, or through discounts on participation in events and festivals, IMAAN organizations can choose and modify the benefits offered at any time. Find the organizations on IMAA’s website and contact them to find out more!