Book your Ad in the program guide: Listen, Witness, Transmit

April 17, 2018

Book your Ad in the program!

This is the time to book your advertisement in the program guide Listen, Witness, Transmit, the NIMAC-IMAA National Indigenous Media Arts Gathering – (June 12 to 15, 2018) in Saskatoon, SK.

Listen, Witness, Transmit will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, workshops, performances, exhibitions and screenings. Each day will employ a resurgence practice: the first day – Listening, the second day – Witnessing, and the third day – Transmitting to build momentum that informs Indigenous pathways of continuities, resilience and relationships through art, the community and the collective.

Your organization and logo will be displayed in the program, a great opportunity to connect with the community, show your support and provide a venue to showcase independent Aboriginal film, video, media arts and interactive media works.

The deadline for ad bookings is April 30th.
Download the form