The Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) is a member-driven non-profit national organization working to advance and strengthen the media arts community in Canada. Representing over 100 independent film, video, audio, and new media production, distribution, and exhibition organizations in all parts of the country, the IMAA serves over 16,000 independent media artists and cultural workers.

Learn about the benefits of joining IMAA
For over 40 years, the Independent Media Arts Alliance has brought together the many voices making up the media arts community. The Alliance was created by artists from all over the country to advocate for collective interests, support artists and arts administrators as well as build capacity in the sector.
Featured Resources
interConnect was a collective intelligence initiative that brought together artists, arts professionals, and organizations to share and build knowledge about digital projects and practices.
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Cyber Safe and Sound
What is cybersecurity? Why is it important to the media arts and the cultural sector as a whole? This resource directs to a website where you’ll find everything you’ve ever wanted to know about cybersecurity and cybercitizenship.
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What’s Happening
Arts Day on the Hill | Advocacy Tool Kit
In advance of the 2024 Arts Day on the Hill November 19, the Canadian Arts Coalition has created this guide to provide an engagement toolkit to suppor…
Basis of Unity – Updated November 4, 2024
The Basis of Unity states the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA)’s position on and commitment to anti-oppression principles. This document is a…
IMAA Strategic Plan 2024-2028
As part of the strategic planning process IMAA staff and board members reviewed the organization’s vision, mission, and core principles and determin…