Publications, resources and tools to guide and support the presentation of media arts online.
First Nations
10 articles
Impacts and Benefits Agreement – Indigenous Corporate Training (ICT)
This sample agreement form covers the foundation and significant matters that each party considers fundamental for the agreement.
Autonomie gouvernementale autochtone – Indigenous Corporate Training (ICT)
Cet ebook fournit un aperçu de l’autonomie gouvernementale, pourquoi cela est important et inclut quelques exemples d’ententes d’autonomie gouvernementale.
Indigenous self-government – Indigenous Corporate Training (ICT)
This ebook provides an overview of what it is, why it matters plus some
examples of self-government agreements.
Indigenous Peoples: A Guide to Terminology – Indigenous Corporate Training (ICT)
This ebook provides some perspective on historical, political and community terminology, plus some definitions of common terms as well as tips regarding usage.
Peuples autochtones : un guide de la terminologie – Indigenous Corporate Training (ICT)
Cet ebook fournit une certaine perspective sur la terminologie historique, politique et communautaire, plus quelques définitions de termes communs ainsi que des conseils concernant les usages.
27 précieux conseils «à faire» pour travailler efficacement avec les peuples autochtones – Indigenous Corporate Training (ICT)
Ce guide est fourni pour aider les gens à bien communiquer en évitant d’employer les mauvais termes. Basé sur le contenu page 174 de Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® book.
27 valuable “must do” tips for Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples – Indigenous Corporate Training (ICT)
This guide is provided to help people avoid saying or doing the wrong
things. It’s based on content starting on page 174 of the Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples® book.
23 Tips on What Not to Say or Do when Working with Indigenous Peoples – Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. (ICT)
This guide is provided to help people avoid saying or doing the wrong
Guidelines for working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Elders (CACE)
The purpose of this document is to establish protocol and guidelines for working with Elders, to ensure consistency in extending invitations, respectful care, providing honouraria and compensation for additional costs. These guidelines are meant for students, faculty and staff of Carleton University, who will be working with Elders on- or off-campus, for university purposes. Any other organization can be inspired by these guidelines and adapt them to their own structure. This document was prepared by the Centre for Aboriginal Culture and Education at Carleton University.