This employee performance review template was prepared by the Conseil québécois des art médiatiques (CQAM). It is important to periodically take a moment with your immediate supervisor to evaluate your professional work and comportment.
HR Policy
4 articles
Best Practices in Volunteer Management: An Action Planning Guide For Small and Rural Nonprofit Organizations (Volunteer Canada)
This action planning guide has been developed to help people in small and rural nonprofit organizations take practical steps to strengthen their group’s volunteer management practices.
A Human Resources Better Practice Guide for Media Arts Organizations in Ontario (MANO)
This Ontario based guide presents subjects related to human resources that include hiring, employment standards, organizational models in point form. It also includes sample employee contracts, disclosures and a code of ethical conduct.
Podcast: Successful Transitions With Succession Planning With Paula Manley (NAMAC)
Succession planning is the process of preparing for a change in staff or board leadership with the intent of assuring an organization’s sustainability through such a transition.