Publications, resources and tools to guide and support the presentation of media arts online.
4 articles
Best Practices on Equity: A guide for members of the Media Arts Network of Ontario (MANO)
This Ontario based guide provides a framework on development of strategic approaches for a more inclusive and diverse representation of Indigenous and historically-marginalized artists and communities in areas such as: internal operations (staffing), programming, governance, community and volunteer engagement, and audience development.
Learning From Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case Study of Three INGOs in Canada with Transformative Impact on their Communities (Tides Canada)
This report summarizes case study research based on three Indigenous Non-governmental Organisations (INGOs) in Canada having a transformative impact in their communities—Qqs Projects Society, Storytellers’ Foundation, and Ilisaqsivik Society. They are unique organizations that reflect distinct places, people, cultures, histories, and socioeconomic contexts. However, they share many common experiences and observations about what has enabled them to succeed and what continues to challenge them in their work. The primary purpose of this research is to deepen understanding of successful INGOs so that they can be better supported and established in other communities.
Anti-Oppression Toolkit Workshop and Exercise Outlines for Anti-Oppression Training at Community Radio Stations (NCRA)
This resource guide was developed by the Equity and Anti-Racism Committee of the National Campus and Community Radio Association in response to a resolution passed at the 2012 National Campus and Community Radio Conference, “that the NCRA gather safe space/anti-oppression resources, distill training modules and disseminate them to the stations”. The workshop and exercise outlines compiled herein come from various sources and may be used individually or in conjunction with one another.